Student Commitment


All students are expected to read the assigned materials and come to class prepared to participate in the discussion, ask questions, and/or add insight into the topic presented.


  • Students will deliver at least one presentation from the current year’s assigned book readings. Each student will sign up for at least one presentation during the orientation session. (See the schedule.)
  • Students will work with mentors, who are assigned to each book or reading. The presenting student will contact the assigned book mentor to establish communication well in advance of the presentation. 
  • Due to the limited number of presentations available, some students will sign up as co-presenters and work as a team with the book mentor.
  • The presenter will follow the recommended Presentation Guidelines (will be provided) .
  • Students are required to meet with the assigned book mentor at least one time before the presentation for preparation and one time after to exchange feedback, using the Self-reflections Rubric (will be provided). 
  • To use additional media, students should discuss ideas with their book mentor and coordinate a plan with the technology team well in advance of the presentation.